Page Rank
Goal: rank the search result.
“Authority” of documents: Number of citation.
So we create a Directional Graph.
Authority to page
- \(X_i\in R\).
- \(X_i=\sum_{j\in Parent(i)}\frac{1}{N}X_j\).
- Default visibility 1.
Combine the 2 and 3, we have: \(X = dWX + (1-d)1\).
Solution to this equation
- Stupid way, take inverse and solve.
- Contraction Function iteration.
Fix Point and Dynamic System
For \(F(X)=X=dWX+(1-d)1\), find \(X_*: X_*=F(X_*)\).
So how to find \(X_*\)?
Lipshiz Continuity: For any \(X_1, X_2 \in X\), \(\|G(X_1)-G(X_2)\|\leq\varrho\|X_1-X_2\|\), which \(0<\varrho<1\).
Repeatedly apply \(G\) to \(G^{n-1}(X)\) to get \(G^n(X)\): \(\|G^n(X)-G^n(Y)\|\leq \varrho^n d\).
Now we prove any initial \(X\) will end up in the same fix point after repeatedly apply \(G\).
Maximize The Visibility of a Page Community
Page Community
A group of pages, connect with each other. The way to maximize its visibility is to maximize its energy.
\[E_G=|G|+E^{Into}_G-E^{Out}_G-E^{dp}_G\]where \(\|G\|\) is the number of page in the community.
- \[E^{Into}_G=\frac{1-d}{d}\sum_{p\in Into(G)}x_p\rho_p\]
- \[E^{Out}_G=\frac{1-d}{d}\sum_{p\in Out(G)}x_p(1-\rho_p)\]
- \[E^{dp}_G=\frac{1-d}{d}\sum_{p\in dp(G)}x_p\]
\(dp\) means the pages which have no outer link.
- \(\rho_p\) means the fraction of its outgoing links that stay inside \(G\).